
ULisboa promotes the 3rd Innovation Week

Rectory of ULisboa

ULisboa will promote the 3rd Innovation Week from 3rd to 9th May 2017, which will include the Annual Conferences of the  ULisboa Interdisciplinary Thematic Networks.

The 3rd Innovation Week covers ULisboa’ s strategic areas, bringing together national and international scientists, as well as stakeholders of public and private sectors. This event aims to become a privileged forum to present scientific and technological advances in the fields of Agro-Food and Forestry (RedeAGRO), Health (RedeSAÚDE), Urban and Intelligent Mobility (RedeMOV), Sea (RedeMAR), Entrepreneurship and Knowledge Transfer (RedeVALOR).

This year, the Annual Conferences of the Thematic Networks will be organised in a different way. The participation of young research will prevail, allowing them to expose and discuss their activities with the academic, social and economic partners.

More information.