The webinar “ULisboa nos Trópicos | A importância da água subterrânea para a sustentabilidade nos trópicos” (“ULisboa in the Tropics | The importance of groundwater for the sustainability in the tropics) will take place on 19th July, at 10.30 a.m.
Groundwater plays a pivotal role towards sustainability in tropical regions. The underground flow in the water cycle, which we do not see and of which we often know little, is an essential water resource to ensure access to safe drinking water, to agricultural water needs, food security, hygiene and health, as well as to ecosystems and biodiversity, and climate change mitigation. It can also play an indirect role in reducing poverty and inequality, education and gender equality, and peace.
Teresa Melo and João Nascimento, researchers from CERIS, Instituto Superior Técnico-ULisboa, will share their work carried out in Cape Verde, Mozambique, East Timor, Angola, Guatemala, Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, and Chile.