Campus and Community

Engineers have a key role to play in sustainable mobility

Engineer Tiago Lopes Farias, CEO of Carris, attended a dinner organised by the IST Alumni Association (AAAIST) and explained the several challenges faced by engineering in what concerns urban mobility.

The Técnico Alumni Association (AAAIST) organised a thematic dinner this Wednesday, October 3, which included a lecture by engineer Tiago Lopes Farias, on the topic “Engineering at the service of sustainable mobility”.

The alumnus shared some of his memories and praised this event “for allowing Técnico alumni to meet after all these years and to be given the opportunity to discuss these topics”. “What brought me to this school was the passion for solving problems. Técnico was part of my life for more than two decades and I feel privileged for that”, said Tiago Lopes Farias. “I hope to come back here one day to do what I really love: knowledge transfer”.

“Sustainable cities will help us to build a healthy planet for future generations, otherwise we can compromise the future”, said the CEO of Carris, who also added that “bringing added value to public space must be one of engineering’s priorities”.

Tiago Lopes Faria highlighted the Formula Student Lisboa (FST Lisboa) project during his speech, which according to him, it’s an example of “the outstanding work carried out by students”. “The engineering revolution also takes place here, when 40 young students aim to build a car from scratch, with such rigour and quality”, he added. According to the CEO of Carris “the world of mobility will be part of your smartphone and engineers will have a key role to play in this technological revolution, especially Técnico engineers.”