Located at Técnico – Alameda campus, the former P1 room on the 1st floor of the Mathematics/Physics Building was renovated and will become, from 18 November, the ‘Espaço +Física’. The room, which can accommodate 25 to 30 students, will host tutoring sessions to fill gaps in this area of study and will serve as a meeting point for clarifying doubts.
Tutoring will be provided by teaching staff – Engineering Physics undergraduate and master’s students -, aiming to address any gaps in basic Physics and mathematical tools applied to Physics, with the support of the Department of Physics.
‘It’s a collaborative space,’ explains Filipe Joaquim, a professor at Técnico and coordinator of the team of tutors. From 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., the room will be open ‘to any professor of Physics curricular units, for a doubt lesson or explore a physics concept’, he explains.
Alongside these activities, mini-courses lasting between 1.5 and 3 hours, open to all Técnico students upon registration, are also planned.
More information about tutoring schedules and short courses.