IST Press published the 4th edition of the book “Uma Introdução às Energias Renováveis: Eólica, Fotovoltaica e Minihídrica”, by Rui Castro.
The book is of undeniable interest and importance in the current Portuguese energetic-environmental context. It focuses on the promotion of energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources, in particular the three that are covered in more detail in the book: wind, photovoltaic and small-scale hydropower.
It addresses the renewable energy issue in a methodical, rigorous and very comprehensive way, filling the gap of Portuguese technical bibliography on this subject.
It is also worth highlighting its importance from an academic point of view, namely for electrical engineers, being considered a reference work for students of this engineering branch, either at undergraduate or postgraduate level, or at MSc and PhD level. Each chapter of the book includes practical examples, as well as a series of problems to be solved by the readers/students, allowing them to assess their level of knowledge and understanding.
The extensive, adequate, and up-to-date list of bibliographical references should also be highlighted, contributing to the credibility of the work in terms of scientific rigour and deepening the study of certain subjects when necessary.
The book can be purchased at IST Press online store and in bookstores Almedina, Bertrand, Fnac, and Wook, among others.