The event organised by the coordination team of MEFT – Master programme in Engineering Physics at IST and the Department of Physics at IST, titled “MEFT – Challenging the Limits of Science and Technology”, took place on 28th and 29th June, and brought together 96 participants, from 15 to 18 years old.
“We try to cover not only the scientific areas, but also out-of-the box topics that show the valuable asset of our former students to other research institutions” explains Professor Pedro Abreu. Faculty, researchers and alumni gave micro-lectures on a wide range of topics such as: nanotechnology, dark matter and stars, gravitational waves and black holes, nuclear energy, etc.
The challenge of professor Yasser Omar was to explain the essence of quantum computers in fifteen minutes and, at the same time, to emphasise the importance of this topic to the audience. “Quantum information allows faster computers, safer communications and richer correlations”, said the professor. “I will not explain this in detail but if you come to Técnico you will learn all this”, he stressed.
Besides the lectures, several visits to laboratories such as ISTTOK, INESC-MN , Laboratório de Raios Cósmicos (LabRC) and Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas (LIP), took place.
According to professor Pedro Abreu, these events promote a direct contact with Técnico faculty that, “along with other activities will contribute to the improvement of admission entry grades, which will provide Técnico outstanding students”.