The Logistics Laboratory powered by Worten was inaugurated on May 14th at Oeiras campus. Equipped with various pieces of equipment and systems that simulate the context of a ‘real’ warehouse, the lab will allow Industrial Engineering and Management students to interact with storage systems used in a professional environment during their laboratory classes.
“The idea is to follow the entire flow of goods entering the warehouse” followed by the customer’s order, the location of these products in the warehouse and the “shipping process” explains Tânia Ramos, a professor at Técnico and president of the Centre for Management Studies at Instituto Superior Técnico (CEGIST). “We thought that it would be interesting to have a space outside the ‘normal classroom’ where students could try out various machines”, emphasises Susana Relvas, also a professor at Técnico, a researcher at CEGIST, and the vice-president of the Department of Engineering and Management.
The two Técnico professors were the “driving force” behind the creation of this laboratory, with the idea coming from “a brainstorming session”, according to Tânia Ramos. “We needed something more physical and tangible so that our students could experience what we teach in class”, she explains.
“I’m glad this day has come”, said Rogério Colaço, president of Técnico, in his speech before the inauguration ceremony that brought together members of the Técnico community and Worten representatives. “Técnico is a facilitator in solving scientific and technological problems, creating innovation and qualified employment”, said the president also stressing “you can only achieve this mission in partnership with society, with the business community, with those who have problems to solve”.
In this sense, Rogério Colaço argued, “without a deep and close connection to our Partner Network [(of which Worten has been a part since 2021)], we won’t be able to fulfil this important part of our mission”. “Everyone wins with these partnerships – students have better learning conditions and companies hire highly qualified people who contribute more effectively to their development”, he added. “This is the “magic circle” behind our Partner Network – creating more than the sum of the parts”, concluded the Técnico president.
Miguel Mota Freitas, CEO of Worten, thanked the professors Susana Relvas and Tânia Ramos, for their “special role” in making this day happen. “Being able to partner with an institution like Técnico is very important”, he said. The ceremony also included speeches by these Técnico professors and Técnico alumni currently working at Worten.
A lab tour took place after the ribbon-cutting ceremony and a cocktail. In addition to the equipment usually used in a warehouse (the hardware), the laboratory has a set of information systems that replicate, on a smaller scale, what exists in a professional context: a warehouse management system, a system that controls the movement of products and equipment for label printing, which identify the location of items whether they are in the logistics process or already packaged and ready to go to the customer’s home.
“It’s very important to see that there is potential for this to happen”, emphasises Susana Relvas, referring to the interaction between academia and the business sector. “I’m sure that this type of partnership can also happen with other companies”, she added. ‘We try to connect Técnico with companies and the job market”, explains Tânia Ramos – ‘and what better than to bring a little bit of that real environment here to the university?’.