Campus and Community

Técnico professor wins FLAD Political Science Award 2024

The master's thesis "Science Diplomacy, Portugal and the European Project" by Marta Ramilo Abrantes was recognised by the Luso-American Development Foundation (FLAD).

Marta Ramilo Abrantes, a researcher at the Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research (IN+) and a professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering (DEQ) at Instituto Superior Técnico, won the FLAD Political Science Award 2024 this July.

The master’s thesis titled “Scientific Diplomacy, Portugal and the European Project”, was developed as part of the master’s programme in Political Science and International Relations that the professor completed at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Nova University of Lisbon, in 2023.

The FLAD Political Science Award distinguishes students who have completed a master’s programme at a Portuguese university in the fields of Political Science and/or International Relations, and whose dissertation reveals potential for scientific research in their area of study, offering participation in the congress of the American Political Association (APSA), which takes place in Philadelphia (United States of America) next September.