TFIST – Tuna Feminina do Instituto Superior Técnico recently celebrated 25 years. “TFIST’s 25th anniversary show exceeded all expectations”, shares Mariana Sanches, President of TFIST. They are proud of their history, they honour their essence and they wanted to express that in the show. “We wanted to tell our story so we choose specific songs”, explains Mariana Sanches. “We wanted to bring children to this show, so we began singing and dancing with them in the first part. We brought 20 kids on stage and it was maybe one of the most beautiful moments of these celebrations”, highlights Mariana Sanches.
Although being a member of TFIST for two years, Joana Couceiro got very emotional: “Seeing the first members of TFIST in this show makes us think that this is really worth it”. “They come back because being part of TFIST left them very good memories, so this makes me think that, in a few years, I will feel the same”, she adds.
Perfection and discipline – in the way music is conducted, in the movements, in the individual and collective commitment – makes TFIST stand out from the rest. “What sets us apart from all the others is our music style, which is most solemn. And also the rigour in our performances”, says Joana Couceiro. “We represent Técnico so we always do our best”.
TFIST passes from generation to generation: “TFIST was created when a group of women with some fear, but very confident, decided to create one of the few feminine “tunas” of our country, in a school with few female students”.
Family – this is the most used word by TFIST members. “I needed to do something apart from being a Técnico student. I met a girl who was already member of TFIST and she convinced me to experience it. She told me that they would taught me to sing and to play an instrument. I decided to give it a try and I never left”, she says. This is what happens most of the time. “I often say that our experience at TFIST is so intense but also so hard to explain”, says Mariana Sanches. “Music makes us a little bit more methodical, and somehow it can help us to do our course”, says the president of TFIST. “The challenges that we have to overcome give us resourcefulness and good improvisation skills. This is much more than music”, she adds.