Science and Technology

ISR team is part of the Portuguese RoboCup 2018 delegation

The annual world robotic’s championship is divided into several categories and gathers more than 4000 participants. The robot “Gasparzinho” will represent Portugal in the category @Home.

SocRob, the team from Institute for Systems and Robotics (ISR) at Técnico, is part of the Portuguese delegation composed of students, professors, researchers and more than two dozen robots. More than thirty students from schools and universities are already in Montreal to participate at

RoboCup 2018, which runs until June 22 and gathers more than 4000 participants from more than 35 countries.

5000 robots will be designed and programmed to perform a wide range of tasks in a complete autonomous way: playing football, operating in a search and rescue mission or performing domestic tasks. SocRob will compete in RoboCup local with a team composed of 6 members and in RoboCup remote with a team composed of 9 members, in the category @Home. “Gasparzinho” will interact with humans and will manipulate household objects.

Besides Técnico, which will represent Universidade de Lisboa, also Universities of Aveiro, Minho and Porto will participate in the competition, as well as Amares and S. Gonçalo school groups, Barcelinhos secondary school and CENFIM vocational training centre.