
“Le français, une langue d’opportunités” (LFLO) 2nd Semester is open for registration until 3 March

The course is aimed at all students with a background in Management (e.g. Accounting, Finance, Economics and Statistics) and Engineering.

Registration for the free course ‘Le français, une langue d’opportunités’ (LFLO) is open until 3 March. This course is aimed at all students with a background in Management (e.g. Accounting, Finance, Economics and Statistics) and Engineering, and is 100% online.

The ‘Le français, une langue d’opportunités’ (LFLO) Community comprises 11 French-speaking companies in Portugal that strongly believe in the importance of French language skills, a fundamental requirement in recruitment processes. This is how the LFLO project was born, to promote the French language in collaboration with various universities and colleges. This course is organised through a partnership between BNP Paribas and Instituto Superior Técnico.

Besides offering free French classes taught by the Alliance Française, students will be invited to participate in networking events, promoting closer contact with the job market and the reality of the Community member companies.

The LFLO Community is committed to teaching classes at a level of A2.1 or above, so applications from students with a lower level will not be considered.

Distribution of LFLO course levels:

Each level (A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2) requires 110 hours, so the training is divided into two semesters, i.e. 55 hours each. Within the 55 hours, 40 hours will be spent in class (online), 10 hours of homework and 5 hours preparing for the final exam. The training is free and gives students access to job opportunities, as well as participation in events with the Community member companies.

A final course certificate will be issued depending on the final course assessment. Students must complete the assessment and attend at least 80% of the classes in order to obtain the certificate.

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