Science and Technology

LIFE Index-Air Project

Researchers at CTN will develop a decision support tool to improve air quality.

LIFE Index-Air is the most recent project of a research team from Centro de Ciências e Tecnologias Nucleares (CTN) – Instituto Superior Técnico, coordinated by Marta Almeida. The project aims to develop an innovative and versatile decision support tool for policy makers that will help them identify measures to improve air quality and quantitatively assess their impact on the health and well-being of the population.

The project, which started in October, was conceived and designed by CTN researchers. “We must change our habits and behaviours if we want to improve air quality”, explains the researcher Marta Almeida. Raising awareness among children and students is our goal “because if we can get this message across these age groups, we are passing it to three generations.”

A total of 24 schools, involving 6000 children, are currently committed with LIFE Index-Air project. Schools will produce a poster including the identification of twelve measures leading to the improvement of air quality in homes, schools and regions: “The ultimate goal is to include them in the curricula”, says Marta Almeida.

Firstly, the project will be implemented in Lisbon and then in other cities: Porto, Athens, Kuopio and Treviso. The project is funded by EU Life involving about 1.4 million euros.