
Specialisation course “Data Science and Engineering”: Applications are open until August 26th

Data Science, a paradigmatic application of the most promising techniques of Artificial Intelligence, stands out as the transformational technology in the digital age. More and more data is being produced and collected, so the correct analysis of this information is extremely relevant nowadays and for the future. However, 46% of organisations report having workers with inadequate data analysis skills.

Course information

Start date: September 9, 2024
End date: October 23, 2024
Course schedule: Mondays and Wednesdays, 5.30 p.m./8 p.m.
Price: 1330€
Format: Online
Duration: 35 hours
Applications open until: August 26, 2024

More information and applications.

The Specialisation Course in ‘Data Science Engineering’ introduces the field as an engineering task as it is a creative application of scientific principles to develop data models. This course follows a ‘learning by doing’ approach typical of an engineering degree.

This course is part of the Specialisation Programme in Data Science for Engineers (DaSh) as mandatory.

At the end of the programme, trainees are expected to be able to apply the KDD process to multivariate data, in particular classification tasks. Specifically, they should be able to:

– Perform exploratory data analysis (data profiling);
– Identify and apply the necessary data transformations to enable model training;
– Train predictive models
– Evaluate model performance.