
Specialisation Course – Strategic Innovation

The Specialisation Course in Strategic Innovation provides a macro view of the importance of innovation for economic growth, trends and markets behaviours and society in general, also addressing innovation models and systems and the use of technology in the transformation of companies and organisations, in particular in the challenges of digitalisation.

Important dates

  • Start date: 27th April 2021
    • Schedule: 18:00-20:00
    • Format: Online
    • Duration: 28h.
  • End date: 18th June 2021.
  • Applications are open until 13th April 2021.

Companies and organisations face uncertainty times. Predicting this uncertainty requires systematic innovation and a deep understanding of global market trends, technologies and new agile management models. This course focuses on strategic innovation: doing the right things in the present to be competitive in the future, a game changer for companies and organisations.

Each module includes a theoretical part, examples of case studies, individual and group work and addresses topics such as: economic growth and innovation; slowing globalization and opportunities in Europe; public policies for innovation and challenges; theories, models and systematics of innovation; the fundamental role of Innovation in Industry; among others.


  • Develop knowledge and skills in innovation management;
  • Strengthen the capacity to generate innovation.

More information.