
Técnico Library new webinar programme: registration is open

The Técnico Library presents a completely renewed training offer for the academic year 2024/25, tailored to the needs of students and researchers.

The new User Training Plan includes free online sessions covering three essential areas for those who wish to fully explore the available academic resources and enhance their skills.

The webinar sessions have been carefully designed to provide an engaging and practical learning experience, structured in the following areas:

Search, Find, and Select

Learn to master search processes, from exploring scientific databases to effectively using library services. These trainings are ideal for anyone looking to improve their search strategies and ensure they are making the most of the academic resources available.

Write, Publish, and Communicate

This area focuses on equipping users with the necessary tools to develop quality scientific work, from plagiarism prevention to publishing articles. Participants will learn to organise their ideas clearly and identify the best scientific journals for publication, thereby increasing the visibility of their research work.

Tools, Applications, and Platforms

Explore the main software and platforms that facilitate the academic journey, such as reference managers (Mendeley and Zotero), scientific writing tools (LaTeX), and platforms for creating visual content (Google Sites and Canva). All this, and much more, to ensure a complete command of the essential digital tools for academic success.

