
ULisboa RedeMOV 2024 Award: Applications are open until 15 September

Authors of MSc and PhD dissertations whose exams were conducted in 2023 are eligible to apply for the award.

The ULisboa Thematic Interdisciplinary Network on Smart Urban Mobility (redeMOV) is pleased to announce the ULisboa RedeMOV 2024 Award to recognise the best MSc and PhD dissertations carried out at the Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa), in the field of smart urban mobility.

The award, worth 2.500 euros for the best PhD dissertation and 1.500 euros for the best MSc dissertation, will be givenfor the third time in 2024.

Authors of MSc and PhD dissertations whose exams were conducted in 2023 are eligible to apply for the award.

Those who meet the conditions outlined in the Award Regulation can apply for the award by completing the Application Form, which should be sent with a digital copy of the final work to the email until 15 September 2024.

More information.