Lisbon WADE – Elvira Zappale
“Optimal design problems”, 16h, via Zoom....
“Optimal design problems”, 16h, via Zoom....
“Sharp lower bounds for Neumann eigenvalues”, 17h...
professor Tian-Jun Li (University of Minnesota’s School of Mathematics, Minneapolis MN, USA) - “Symplectic rational G-surfaces and the plane Cremona group”...
“Moduli spaces of differentials on curves”, 17h, via Zoom...
“Random matrix theory of dissipative quantum chaos”, 11h...
“On the Interplay between Physics and Deep Learning”, 17h30...
“Confident Off-Policy Evaluation and Selection through Self-Normalized Importance Weighting”, 17h30...
“Ground states of the Nonlinear Schroedinger Equation on Graphs: an overview”, 16h...
Webinar “Four-dimensional semimetals with tensor monopoles: from surface states to topological responses”, 17h...
“Bulk-Edge dualities in Topological Matter”, 11h...
O próximo seminário online da série “Lisbon WADE – Webinar in Analysis and Differential Equations”, um evento conjunto dos centros de investigação CAMGSD...
“Recent developments on Dirichlet problems with singular convection/drift terms”, 16h (com inscrição)...
Webinar “Nonunique characteristic curves of Sobolev vector fields”, 16h...
“The Vortex Filament Equation, the Talbot effect, and non-circular jets”, 16h...
“How we discovered the Higgs ahead of schedule ML's role in unveiling the keystone of elementary particle physics”, 17h00...
“Reinforcement Learning and Adaptive Control”, 17h30...
“Learning from distributed datasets: an introduction with two examples” - 17h30...
“Climate action and cooperation dynamics under uncertainty”, 17h30...