“Preconceito inconsciente: o seu impacto na carreira científica e como o minimizar” – Petra Rudolf
“Unconscious bias: how it impacts careers in science and how to mitigate this influence.” - 11h - via Zoom...
“Unconscious bias: how it impacts careers in science and how to mitigate this influence.” - 11h - via Zoom...
“The Nobel Prize in Physics 2020: Black holes, from dawn to glory.” - 16h...
“What is Social Physics?” - 16h - via Zoom...
“Testing the Massive Black Hole Paradigm and General Relativity with Infrared Interferometry: A Forty-Year Journey.” - 16h...
“Molecular Motors and Switches at Surfaces”, 16h....
“Planetary Radiation Environments and the Exploration of the Solar System” - 16h...