Seminário Matemática, Física & Aprendizagem Automática – Francisco C. Santos
“Climate action and cooperation dynamics under uncertainty”, 17h30...
“Climate action and cooperation dynamics under uncertainty”, 17h30...
“Path integral control theory”, 17h30...
“Efficient Bayesian computation by proximal Markov chain Monte Carlo: when Langevin meets Moreau”, 17h30...
“Computation, Statistics, and Optimization of random functions”, 17h30...
“The learning machine and beyond: a tour for the curious”, 17h30...
“Topological phases $3+1D$ : the Higher Lattice Gauge Theory Model and its excitations”, 11h...
Webinar: “The insulating state of matter: a geometrical theory” - 17h....
Webinar “Topological theory of non-Hermitian photonic systems” - 11h...
O projeto liderado pelo Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica será um dos contemplados com o apoio da linha de financiamento excecional...
“Turbulent hydrodynamics in strongly correlated Kagome metals”, 11h...
“Laughlin states on Riemann surfaces”, 11h...
Bruno Amorim (CFUM, Depart. de Física, Universidade do Minho, Braga) - “Strain in two-dimensional materials” - 11h...
Webinar “Quantum many-body scars: a new form of weak ergodicity breaking in constrained quantum systems”, 11h...
No dia 15 de abril de 2020, às 11h, realizar-se-á mais um webinar da iniciativa “QM^3 Quantum Matter meets Maths” através da plataforma Zoom (link). Oradora: dr. Eva-Maria...
Webinar "Quantum order at infinite temperature, time crystals, and dissipation", 11h...
Webinar “Generalized hydrodynamics with dephasing noise”, 11h...
“The Rule 54: Completely Solvable Statistical Mechanics Model of Deterministic Interacting Dynamics”, 11h...
“Localization anisotropy and complex geometry in two-dimensional insulators” - 11h...