Priberam Machine Learning Lunch Seminar – Carlos Soares
“ML-Inception: understanding where and why models work (and don’t work)”. - 13h...
“ML-Inception: understanding where and why models work (and don’t work)”. - 13h...
“Machine Learning for Motion Planning of Autonomous Vehicles — Interaction-Aware Motion Planning in Crowded Dynamic Environments”. - 13h...
“On the Calibration of Generative Question-Answering models: State-of-the-art and Challenges”. - 13h...
“Explainable Artificial Intelligence and its role in supporting medical diagnosis”. - 13h...
“The perspective of the language in multimodal conversational AI for high-end fashion marketplaces”. - 13h...
“Equivariant neural networks for recovery of Hadamard matrices”. - 13h...
“Simplifying Multilingual News Clustering Through Projection From a Shared Space”. - 13h (mediante inscrição)....
“From Captions to Natural Language Explanations”. - 13h...
“Revealing semantic and emotional structure of suicide notes”. - 13h...
“Preference Modeling with Context-Dependent Salient Features”, 13h, via Zoom...
“Fraud Prevention with Deep Learning models” é o tema do próximo Priberam Machine Learning Lunch Seminar (2018/19) que terá lugar no próximo dia...
O próximo seminário Priberam Machine Learning Lunch Seminar 2017/2018, com almoço, terá lugar no próximo dia 5 de junho, às 13h00. O orador...