Seminário Geometria em Lisboa – Laura Schaposnik
“On generalized hyperpolygons” - 17h...
“On generalized hyperpolygons” - 17h...
“Minimal Lagrangian submanifolds, totally real geometry and the anti-canonical line bundle.” - 17h...
“Global Slodowy slices for moduli spaces of λ-connections” - 17h...
“What does a Besse contact sphere look like?” - 17h...
“Twistor constructions of non-compact hyperkähler manifolds” - 17h...
“Compact Hyper-Kählers and Fano Manifolds” - 17h...
“Localizing the Donaldson-Futaki invariant” - 17h - via Zoom...
“Lagrangian cobordism and Chow groups”, 17h...
“Intrinsic Mirror Symmetry”, 17h...
“An invitation to Kähler-Einstein metrics and random point processes” - 11h, via Zoom...
No dia 21 de julho de 2020, às 17h, realizar-se-á mais um seminário “Geometria em Lisboa”, através da plataforma Zoom. • Orador: professor Guillarmou Colin (Faculty...
professor Tian-Jun Li (University of Minnesota’s School of Mathematics, Minneapolis MN, USA) - “Symplectic rational G-surfaces and the plane Cremona group”...
“Moduli spaces of differentials on curves”, 17h, via Zoom...
“A construction of Dk asymptotically locally flat gravitational instantons from Atiyah-Hitchin and Taub-NUT geometries”, 17h...
Mario Garcia-Fernandez (ICMAT, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) - “Gauge theory for string algebroids” - 17h...
“Probabilistic aspects of toric Kahler geometry”, 17h, via Zoom....
“Symplectic embeddings and infinite staircases” - 17h, via Zoom...
Alessia Mandini (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro) - “Quasi-parabolic Higgs bundles and null hyperpolygon spaces” - 17h...