Rogério Colaço
(born June 27, 1968, Soure)
Rogério Colaço began his professional career in 1986 at Instituto Superior Técnico, where he studied Materials Engineering. In 1991, he finished his degree and was appointed Trainee Assistant in the Department of Materials Engineering at Técnico. In 2002, he completed his PhD at Técnico and began his teaching career. He was appointed Full Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering in 2014.
In 2007 he founded the NanoMatLab laboratory, and his group’s research went beyond tribology and nanotribology to include biotribology. In 2012, he started a new line of research with the support of Cimpor SGPS, to reduce CO2 emissions in cement production. He was one of the founders of the C5Lab – Sustainable Construction Materials Association, which aims to combat climate change by innovating the processes used by the national and international cement industry.
He is one of the world’s most cited scientists, ranking in the top 2% of his field in a study conducted by Stanford University.
He was Vice-President of Técnico for Administrative and Financial Management from 2013 to 2016.
On 2nd December 2019, he was elected President of Instituto Superior Técnico. On 20th December 2023, he was re-elected president of Instituto Superior Técnico.