
10th IDPASC School – Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology


This European school is organised annually by IDPASC, of which Técnico is a participant institution (IDPASC - Portugal doctoral programme).

The 10th International Doctorate Network in Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology (IDPASC) European school will be organised by LIP, with the support of FCT and Nazaré City Hall, from 6th to 16th September 2021.

This European school is organised annually by IDPASC, of which Técnico is a participant institution (IDPASC – Portugal doctoral programme).

The registration for the 10th IDPASC School opens on 17th May and will close on 16th July 2021.

More information:
Email (dr. Natália Antunes)
Tel. +351 210 493 611