
10º LEFT/MEFT meeting – Challenging the limits of Science and Technology

The IST Department of Physics and the Coordination of Engineering Physics will organise the LEFT/MEFT meeting, on 16th July, from 9:30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.

Target audience:

  • MEFT candidates,
  • Secondary school finalists,
  • Professors – Physics, Chemistry and Physical Chemistry.

As of next academic year, the curricula of the 1st and 2nd cycles of studies will undergo a restructuring process following the implementation of a new teaching model and pedagogical practices at Técnico. In the case of Engineering Physics, the Integrated Master’s Degree shall give rise to a Degree in Engineering Physics (1st Cycle) and a Master’s Degree in Engineering Physics (2nd Cycle).

Attendance is free. Registration is required (the number of participants is limited).  The Zoom ID will be sent by email to registered participants.

More information:

• Dep. of Physics and scientific areas: