
6th Annual Conference of ULisboa redeSAÚDE on public health “Desafios em Saúde Planetária: Capacitar Comunidades para a Mudança”

Medicina ULisboa, Torres Vedras Campus

HJune 4th, at 8.30 a.m., at Medicina ULisboa, Torres Vedras Campus

Date: June 4th
Hour: 8.30 a.m.
Venue: Medicina ULisboa, Torres Vedras Campus
More information: Official Site I Registration

«The 6th Annual Conference of ULisboa redeSAÚDE on public health “Desafios em Saúde Planetária: Capacitar Comunidades para a Mudança”, will take place on June 4th, at the Medicina ULisboa, Torres Vedras Campus.

Planetary health works on the interactions between human health, the environment, and local and global ecosystems, and its promotion is essential to guarantee the health and well-being of current and future generations. Central concerns in planetary health include climate change, air and noise pollution, loss of biodiversity, drinking water depletion, land use change, and exposure to toxic chemicals which evidence shows have a substantial impact on human health.»