
8th Annual Conference of ULisboa redeSAÚDE “Developing knowledge and tools for Patient-Centric Care”

22 November, in the Great Hall, Rectorate Building, Universidade de Lisboa

Date: 22 November
Venue: Great Hall, Rectorate Building, Universidade de Lisboa
More information: Official Site I Registration I Email –

The 8th Annual Conference of ULisboa redeSAÚDE “Developing Knowledge and tools for Patient-Centric Care” will take place on 22 November 2024, in the Great Hall of the Rectorate Building at Universidade de Lisboa.

With a focus on promoting patient-centred healthcare, the 8th Annual Conference aims to mobilise the ULisboa community and ecosystem to discuss strategies and trends in the area, as well as current and future clinical research and data initiatives to provide high-value care.

The ULisboa – redeSAÚDE Award 2024, which aims to encourage study and research in the field of health, and to recognise the best Master’s and Doctoral works carried out at Universidade de Lisboa in this field, will be presented during the conference. The submission of works runs until 30 October.»