
BIOTECnico seminar – Pedro Pais

“Unveiling the complex regulatory network governing antifungal drug resistance in candida glabrata: from new regulators to new effectors” – 16:00

The PhD programme in Biotecnology and Biosciences (BIOTECnico) is organising a set of seminars delivered by alumni – BIOTECnico 2021. The next seminar will take place as follows:

  • 16th February 2021, 16:00 – Online
  • Speaker: dr. Pedro Pais (Biological Sciences Research Group, BSRG/iBB-Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences, IST, ULisboa)
  • Title: “Unveiling the complex regulatory network governing antifungal drug resistance in candida glabrata: from new regulators to new effectors
  • More information.