BIOTECnico seminar – Pedro Pais

“Unveiling the complex regulatory network governing antifungal drug resistance in candida glabrata: from new regulators to new effectors” – 16:00...

ESBES 2018

Instituto Superior Técnico will organise the 12th Symposium of the European Society of Biochemical Engineering Sciences, from 9th to 12th September...

IV Bioengineering Week

The Semana da Bioengenharia (Bioengineering Week) at Instituto Superior Técnico (SBE IST) was first developed in 2014 as an initiative of...

Microorganism Day

The Portuguese Society of Microbiology, Ordem dos Biólogos, Ciência Viva National Agency and UNESCO will organise the Microorganism Day on 17th...

DBE Seminars 2017

The cycle of seminars organised by the Department of Bioengineering at Técnico will take place from 6th February to 29th May,...