The book “Nomenclatura de Química Inorgânica”, edited by IST Press, will be launched on October 12, at IST Alameda campus (main building – meeting room).
The session will start at 6 p.m. and professor Bernardo Herold (Universidade de Lisboa) will present the book.
This book is intended for faculty members, researchers and professionals from various fields, as well as the general public, in all Portuguese speaking countries and translators working for European and global organisations.
Some reasons why it is important to have chemical nomenclature in Portuguese language:
– The adoption of a common language facilitates the communication between the several Portuguese-speaking countries and the application of international standards for chemicals management;
– It is important in trade between the various countries, for economic and health reasons and consumer safety;
– Allows communication between the various industry sectors;
– Allows communication between members of the scientific community.