
Career Training Workshop | Storytelling: The best ally of your Career

to be confirmed

May 7th, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., at a venue to be confirmed

Date: May 7th
Hour: 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Venue: to be confirmed
More information: Official Site I Registration (places are limited) I Email:

«The next Career Training Workshop, titled “Storytelling: The Best Ally of Your Career,” will allow participants to learn valuable communication skills through the art of storytelling. Whether presenting ideas, participating in job interviews, or engaging with professionals, mastering the art of storytelling can significantly increase the ability to attract, retain, and engage the audience.

The session will be led by Tomás Varela Pinto, a content creator and communication trainer, expert in Storytelling and Personal Branding.

This workshop is powered by Santander.»