This CERENA Seminar will take place via Zoom Meeting.
- Link: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/386464766
- Useful information by Técnico.
In this way, there are no lunch boxes, so we apologize to whom that have already made their registry.
The CERENA Seminars 2019/2020 are intended to be a forum for discussion between researchers, students, industrial partners from diverse scientific areas.
Each seminar is based on a sustainable development goal (SDG) included in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015.
A seminar on the 12th SDG, titled “Plastics in circular economy”, will take place on 13 March 2020, from 12:00 to 13:30.
• Chair: Maria Amélia Lemos (DEQ/CERENA) & Teresa Carvalho (DECivil/CERENA)
• Maria Amélia Lemos | “Plastics in circular economy”
• Teresa Carvalho and Francisca Rey (Milestone Counsulting) | “Plastics recuperation from residues”
• John Briceño Torres (CERENA) | “Chemical recycling of plastics”
• Tiago Godinho (CERENA) | “Chemical recicling in a refinery”
• Debate.
Venue: Civil Engineering building, floor 2, room 4.41.
Attendance is free but form, available on CERENA’s website, and email registration is mandatory until 3 days before each seminar.
Follow CERENA on Twitter: @CERENA_research