
European Innovation Academy


The European Innovation Academy organizes the largest acceleration program in digital innovation in Europe and aims at creating market leader’s tech startups. This year, the European Innovation Academy will have its 1st edition in Portugal, in the municipality of Cascais, running for 3 weeks, from July 16th to August 4th, using methodologies developed by partners such as UC Berkeley, Stanford University and Google.

Técnico, with the support of Santander Universities, offers 10 scholarships for the participation its students in this initiative (4 scholarships will be exclusively assigned to Banco Santander Totta customers, or available to be prior to the formal award of the scholarship).

The application is individual, but if the candidate is integrated in a team of Técnico’s students involved in an entrepreneurship project, this should be mentioned in the motivation letter as well as the name of the other members of the team, stating if they are also applying. Each team member must apply individually.

Who can apply? All students of Técnico.
How to apply? By writing a motivation letter and filling out the application form.
When to apply? May 15th to 26th, 2017.
What are the selection criteria? Quality of the motivation letter, academic achievement and order of application.
Who will make the selection? The jury will be composed of two members from IST (Raquel Aires Barros and Luís Caldas de Oliveira) and 1 member from Santander Universities (Marcos Ribeiro).
More information: Beatriz Mendes, Corporate Partnerships Unit.

If you think you are the best person for this acceleration program, apply immediately!