The European Space Agency (ESA) will promote the European Space Talks: sharing our passion for the space, during November 2018. This event aims to bring together citizens, companies, institutions and schools, inviting them to organise sessions in various formats with one common theme: Space. The European Space Talks to be held in Portugal will be promoted by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT).
Everybody can be a Space Ambassador and organise a #SpaceTalk. You just have to set a program and register it here. The materials available here can be used to promote the Space Talk, with the support of FCT, which will publish the programme on FCT website.
A list of scheduled events is available on ESA website. The registered participants can also win a trip to the European Space Port in Kourou, in French Guiana, by participating in the #SpaceSelfie contest.
More information about the event that will take place in Lisbon:
• Noites no Observatório – 24th November, 9.30 p.m. – Lisbon Astronomical Observatory.