“Cocktail de Ciências” is a CERENA‘s outreach activity oriented to classes of the 3rd cycle of Basic Education and Secondary Education.
Through some demonstrations, participants will observe how physics, chemistry, geology and mathematics come together to form, extract and process raw materials and answer questions such as:
– What minerals do you need to make a mobile phone?
– Why are mineral waters so chemically diverse?
– How to prevent landslides?
– What physical and chemical properties are used to separate minerals?
– How many mathematical operations are needed to prepare a mining plan?
– How is ore mined in underground mines?
– Is the geology of Mars different from that of Earth?
– Do geological materials help solve crimes?
– What would life be like if oil were to end today?
Date: 4-8 February 2019
Time: 10am or 2pm
Duration: ~2 hours
Location: Instituto Superior Técnico – Pavilhão de Minas
Address: Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa
Information and Registration: by January 30, 2019 by e-mail to info@cerena.tecnico.ulisboa.pt