Global Game Jam, a world-wide event that takes place in multiple locations and works as a hackaton focused on game development, will take place between January 20th and 22nd. In Portugal, one of the venues will be Taguspark campus.
To create the greatest edition of the Global Game Jam in Portugal, the organization joined with other institutions. In addition to allow for a greater geographic diversity, the great advantage of this collaboration is to offer you the opportunity to work in a multidisciplinary team with elements from several fields: visual arts (2d and 3d), programming (2d and 3d), audio (sfx and music), etc. No need to have a team to attend. Just sign up and indicate your area(s) of expertise and we will do everything to enrol you in a team that will value your expertise!
The event will take place from January 20 to January 22. We will provide a shuttle on day 20, and a return shuttle on day 22, to facilitate the participation of those closer to the Alameda campus.
Stay tuned to the Game Lab page on Facebook for more information on the event. We hope to see you there!
You can also visit the official page of the event.