Take n’ Play #21 – Christmas 2020 Edition
The Game Lab at Técnico will organise Take n’ Play #21, on 22nd December, at 17:00. The session will be live...
The Game Lab at Técnico will organise Take n’ Play #21, on 22nd December, at 17:00. The session will be live...
Técnico joined the largest game creation event and welcomed 70 participants at the Global Game Jam 2020 @ Técnico / Belas-Artes....
18 teams presented their games at the 12th edition of MOJO, held at Taguspark campus this Tuesday. ...
Ernest Adams (Senior Lecturer, Uppsala Universitet, Sweden) will give two workshops on 17th June, at Taguspark campus (room 1.24), under the...
As in previous years, Técnico will participate in the new edition of Global Game Jam (GGJ), which will bring together participants...
The 3rd edition of BreakingDev will take place from 28th to 30th September at Taguspark campus. This is one of the...
The Games Lab at Taguspark (room 0.43) will be inaugurated on May 10 at 3.30 p.m. Programme 3.30 p.m. Solemn Session...
The conference “Games and Learning Alliance” (GALA 2017) is an international event dedicated to science and application of serious games that...
Don't Stress was voted the best game created at Taguspark during the weekend, followed by Sound of Darkness and Rubber Ducky...
The project was initially developed in the courses of Game Development Methodology and Multi-Agent Systems....
Global Game Jam, a world-wide event that takes place in multiple locations and works as a hackaton focused on game development,...
The game, created by Carlos Margarido, Tiago Cardoso, Luís Oliveira and André Santos, started development and flourished as a project for...
Miguel Tomás is a former student of Técnico and co-founder of a gaming startup for mobile platforms....