
IP Talks | “Computer Implemented Inventions”

i.Start Room (Mathematics Building, floor -1)

20 February, from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m., in i.Start Room (Mathematics Building, floor -1)

Date: 20 February
Hour: 12 p.m. to 2 p.m.
Venue: i.Start Room (Mathematics Building, floor -1)
More information: Official Site I Registration I Email:

IP Talks are informal lunchtime sessions aimed at the entire academic community, namely researchers, professors, PhD students, and anyone engaged in scientific work or interested in Intellectual Property.

«Is my computer program patentable?

Computer-Implemented Inventions (CII) are becoming increasingly more relevant these days. Every day we hear more about the use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and its effects on our day-to-day lives. But what exactly is a CII? Is the project you’re developing a computer-implemented invention?

In this session, supervised by Luís Ferreira, a Patent Attorney, the participants will be able to learn more about what is a computer-implemented invention, the technical areas where this type of invention is more common or how to determine the patentability of CII.

The first 25 registered participants to arrive at the session will receive a lunch box.»

IP Talks @Técnico is an initiative powered by Caixa Geral de Depósitos.