
IP Talks @Técnico 2023/2024 | State of the Art Search

Room Q01, Chemical Engineering Building, Alameda Campus

23rd November, at 12:00, in room Q01, Chemical Engineering Building, Alameda Campus

Date: 23rd November
Hour: 12:00
Venue: Room Q01, Chemical Engineering Building, Alameda Campus
More information: Official Site I Registration I Email:

«The second IP Talk of this academic year will focus on State of the Art Search and is scheduled for November 23, at 12:00. This event is a unique opportunity for master’s and PhD students, researchers and professors to delve into the world of cutting-edge research in the realm of Intellectual Property (IP).

Session Overview:
In this session, we will provide participants with an in-depth exploration of the State of the Art Search, a crucial aspect of Intellectual Property research. Our goal is to highlight the importance of staying updated with the latest advancements in various fields, ensuring the protection and innovation of intellectual assets.

Reasons for participating:
Gain a deep understanding of State of the Art Search;
Learn about effective search techniques and tools;
Explore real-world applications and case studies;
Understand the Intellectual Property implications of staying updated;
Engage in interactive discussions with experts in the field.

The session will be led by Susana Rodrigues, patent consultant at Inventa International SA.»