
IP Talks @Técnico: “Computer-Implemented Inventions”

Room Q01, Chemical Engineering building, Alameda Campus

February 15, from 12:00 to 14:00, in room Q01, Chemical Engineering Building, Alameda Campus

Date: February 15
Hour: From 12:00 to 14:00
Venue: Room Q01, Chemical Engineering Building, Alameda Campus
More information: Official Site I Inscrições I Email:

«Is my computer program patentable?

Computer-Implemented Inventions (CII) are becoming increasingly more relevant these days. Every day we hear more about the use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and its effects on our day-to-day lives. But what exactly is a CII?

In this session, supervised by Luís Ferreira, a Patent Attorney, the participants will be able to learn more about what a CII is, the technical areas where this type of invention is more common, or how to determine the patentability of CII.

Participants are encouraged to bring their laptops.

IP Talks @Técnico is an initiative powered by Caixa Geral de Depósitos.