The Técnico Student Club on Mental Health and Inclusion invites the Técnico community to participate in a new session of Mindfulness (guided meditation), on June, 22 at 6 p.m. in the Squash Room (Healthcare services building, near Técnico’s futsal court).
These sessions, which are free of charge and last 30 minutes, aim to provide Técnico community with introductory experiences of guided meditation practice. These sessions are guided by Cricha Carvalho and it is possible to take a break during the day and reconnect with primary sensations such as breathing.
Mindfulness, when practiced on a regular basis, helps us to deal in a less reactive way with emotions, and less positive circumstances arising from everyday life. Furthermore, according to the “Rest Test” developed by a group of psychologists from Durham University in the UK, Mindfulness is in the top 10 most relaxing activities. (+info.)
Cricha Carvalho is a member of the Wild Flower Zen Sangha Association and its Portuguese counterpart. She holds “The Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program” from the Radical Compassion Institute (USA). Meditation and mindfulness are some of her personal interests. She tries to experience reality in a conscious way.
To learn more about mindfulness and meditation, we suggest you to watch the BrainStorms@Tecnico session #17, held on December 9, with José Carlos Lopes.