
MOOC Técnico – Machine Learning, Maths and Ethics


The MOOC “Machine learning, Maths & Ethics: Hands-on” is an open online course, on which you can enroll for free and it runs in a self-paced mode. This hands-on course teaches you about the foundations of Machine Learning in an intuitive way. With a heavy focus on exercises and examples, this course allows you to develop practical machine learning skills, while stimulating your critical thinking on the ethics of machine learning models.

Although the fields of computer science, artificial intelligence and machine learning are changing the world, the truth is that girls and women are still underrepresented in these fields. Thus, we expect this MOOC to be a meaningful learning opportunity to empower young people, especially young women to follow these areas of expertise. You can find several interviews throughout the course with female experts, students and professionals, researching and working in those fields.

In this bilingual edition (Portuguese/English) all the contents are framed by the Heroine’s Learning Journey, which aims to turn this online course into an incredible personal experience. This course was developed within the Erasmus+ FOSTWOM project. A project that aims to promote full and equal access for young women in STEM.

 Target audience: Young people, especially young women, curious to know how algorithms work, which models can be build with the help of machine learning, their advantages and limitations.

Course start date: March 31, 2022

Course end date: July 1, 2022

Enrolment start date: March 2022

More information.