
Online info session: How to apply for a CMU Portugal Affiliated Ph.D. Programs Scholarship


On February 25th at 2pm, the CMU Portugal Program will organise an online information session on the application process to an FCT-CMU Portugal Affiliated Ph.D. Programs Scholarship, which is open until March 31st 2021 (12:00 GMT).

The CMU Portugal Affiliated Ph.D. Programs Initiative, launched for the first time in the 2021/2022 Academic year, offers Ph.D. scholarships in selected cutting-edge areas of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), related to the scope of the CMU Portugal Program.

The Affiliated Ph.D. Program will be entirely hosted by a Portuguese University, with a research period at Carnegie Mellon up to 1 year. Upon the Ph.D. conclusion, candidates will be awarded a degree by the Portuguese host University.

Prior registration is required.

More information about the Affiliated Ph.D. Programs