The CALIPSOplus European Program, a program that brings together the largest particle accelerator management institutions in Europe and the Middle East in an effort to speed up researchers’ access to current radiation sources available, will be presented on 5 June, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., in Salão Nobre of the Instituto Superior Técnico.
Accelerator-based light source facilities (Synchroton and Free Electron Lasers) are currently in operation or being considered worldwide, for fundamental and applied multidisciplinary, cross-cutting and leading edge research in a wide range of topical areas, including Material Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, Environmental and Earth Sciences, Energy, and Biological and Medical Sciences.
The operation of such facilities involves complex infrastructures encompassing electron accelerators and spectrometers with sophisticated instrumentation and detection systems.
A number of national or regional light source facilities exist in Europe and are being used by different scientific communities, but also by industrial companies, therefore playing a key role to foster innovation.
Access to these infrastructures by teams of researchers to conduct experiments and to perform measurements is subject to specific procedural and financial aspects.
In this session the CALIPSOplus (Convenient Access to LIght Sources OPen to Innovation, Science and to the WOrld) project, funded by the European Commission within the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020, will be presented. Opportunities of access to the European Light Source facilities for users in the European Union and Associated States will be described. New research opportunities leveraged by access to Light Sources will be discussed.
After the session, there is the opportunity to talk to the speakers to learn more about the project and/or the research possibilities that synchrotron radiation may bring to your area of study. The possibilities of the CALIPSOplus consortium may be interesting for various research groups.
Researchers from all IST engineering, scientific and technological communities as well as students are encouraged to attend and to interact with the CALIPSO Plus project representatives.
A short introduction to the program can be found here: