
SCERG-iBB Seminar 11

Zoom video conference

The Stem Cell Engineering Research Group (SCERG) at iBB – Institute for Biosciences and Bioengineering will organise the 11th SCERG-iBB Seminar.

  • 23rd April, 13:00 – Online (via Zoom)
  • Speakers / Topics:
  • João Carlos Silva(PhD holder) – “Magnetic stimuli: Scaffold and bioreactor-based biomimetic strategies for osteochondral tissue regeneration”.
  • Evguenia Bekman(PhD holder) – “From embryos to stem cells, organoids and disease modeling”.
  • Marta Carvalho(PhD holder) – “DentalBioMatrix- Exploiting decellularized extracellular matrix for Periodontal regeneration”.
  • Miguel Casanova (PhD holder) – “Friends or Foes: Uncovering the role of transposable elements in neurodevelopment and neurological diseases using Pluripotent Stem Cell-derived brain organoids”.

More information.