The Science and Technology Summit in Portugal 2021 (Science’21) will take place from 28th to 30th June 2021, at Lisbon Congress Centre.
This year’s edition sets the tone for the main topics, challenges and opportunities of science in 2021, in Portugal and in Europe. The future of employment, the space exploration and the climate transition, will be some of the topics addressed.
The deadline for poster submission by FCT PhD scholarship holders is 20th June, upon registration on the website. In addition to posters, national R&D institutions actively participate in the event through the presentation of papers and demonstrations of R&D activities.
Attendance is free. Prior registration is required.
Professor Zita Martins (IST/DEQ), engineer Paulo Marques (Feedzai, member of Técnico Partner Network), and the three alumni Marta Oliveira, Ricardo do Conde and Rodrigo da Costa are some of the participants in this year’s edition.
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