
Técnico podcast “110 Histórias, 110 Objetos” – The Taguspark campus scale model

The podcast “110 Histórias |110 Objetos” (“110 Stories, 110 Objects”) covers the 110 years of history of Instituto Superior Técnico.

The podcast “110 Histórias | 110 Objetos” (“110 Stories, 110 Objects”) covers the 110 years of history of Instituto Superior Técnico, through its past, present and future objects.

A collection of objects related to different fields, such as science, music, arts and sports, is the starting point for conversations with people who will tell us more about the history of these objects.

A new episode is released every week. The podcast “110 Histórias | 110 Objetos” (“110 Stories, 110 Objects”) is part of the Público newspaper podcasts.

Today’s episode (#68) – 11th November 2022: “110 Histórias | 110 Objetos” (“110 Stories, 110 Objects”) – The Taguspark campus scale model.

Inaugurated in November 2000, the Técnico Taguspark campus is one of the main pillars of a dream born in the late 1980s and pursued by two former Técnico professors: to create a tech park that housed new tech companies, teaching, research and the new ideas of young students. The scale model, whose shape resembles a sextant, with a central roundabout and interconnected radial and circular buildings, has only seen a small part built. But that didn’t stop the campus from being fundamental for the improvement of teaching and research at Técnico over the last 22 years.

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