The 2nd congress TEST&E2019 will take place from 19th to 21st February 2019 at ISEP – Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto.
This year’s edition is organised by Associação de Laboratórios Acreditados de Portugal (RELACRE), Instituto Superior Técnico (IST, Universidade de Lisboa), Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP) and will focus on the topic Monitor and Preserve.
This congress aims to be a broad forum for dissemination and sharing of knowledge in the areas of research and teaching, industry and services, on different topics:
• Rehabilitation of historic and cultural heritage
• Hidraulics, environment and natural ressources
• Inspection of geotechnical structures and transportation infrastructures
• Use of biomaterials, nanomaterials and new materials
• Development and use of non-destructive testing
• Analysis of seismic behavior, vibrations and noise, applications in hygrothermal environments, energy certification and building physics
• Experimental teaching and advanced training in monitoring
• Innovation and future trends (BIM, new sensors and technologies, life cycle assessment, reliability and risk management, maintenance)