
The role of mathematics in access to Higher Education

ULisboa - Rectorate building

The National Committee for Mathematics and the International Center for Mathematics will promote the session “The role of mathematics in access to Higher Education”, on June 15, at Universidade de Lisboa (Great Hall – Rectorate building).

Several problems arise for students who have finished Secondary Education and are about to enter Higher Education:

  1. Should the final exam continue to exist?
  2. If not, what should be done?
  3. What is the consequence of mathematics curriculum flexibility in Secondary Education?
  4. What is done in other European countries (Spain, France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, etc.) at the end of Secondary Education?

This session aims to discuss these and other issues relevant to Secondary and Higher Education.

Invited speakers:

  • Alexandre Quintanilha (President of the Parliamentary Commission for Education and Science)
  • Arlindo Oliveira (President of IST, U. Lisboa)
  • Eduardo Pereira (Vice-rector of U. Lisboa)• Isabel Hormigo (Teacher at Escola D. Filipa de Lencastre)
  • Jaime Carvalho e Silva (Professor at U. Coimbra)• João Pinto Guerreiro (President of the National Commission on Access to Higher Education)
  • Jorge Buescu (President of the Portuguese Mathematical Society)
  • José Ferreira Gomes (Professor at U. Porto)
  • Lurdes Figueiral (President of Portuguese Association of Mathematics Teachers)
  • Sandra Aleixo (President of the Department of Mathematics at ISEL, I.P. Lisboa)

More information.