Science and Technology

101 new career positions at Técnico with FCT-Tenure funding

89% of the applications submitted by Técnico to the FCT-Tenure competition were approved to hire researchers and professors.

On 14 August, the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) released the provisional results of the 1st edition of the FCT-Tenure competition. Out of a national total of 113 applications, Técnico had 101 approved (almost 10% of the national total), for the hiring of researchers and professors on a permanent basis, representing a success rate of 89%.

FCT-Tenure will co-finance the hiring of 1,100 career positions in Portuguese institutions (702 positions in the research career and 398 in the teaching career). Of these, 34% are in Exact Sciences and Engineering, which includes Técnico.

In total, the programme will involve an investment of 197 million euros, from the RRP (Recovery and Resilience Plan) and the Portuguese State Budget.

‘This is an excellent and very important result for Técnico and our research centres. I would like to thank and congratulate all those who worked hard on these applications, and tirelessly on the proposals, as well as all the Heads of Departments and Research Centres’, says the president of Técnico, Rogério Colaço. ‘We hope that in the coming years, we will have 101 people who are motivated and prepared to contribute to teaching, research and innovation at our school’.