
4th Course of Environmental Sampling: Registration is open until June 10th

The course takes place from 2nd to 6th September 2024.

The 4th Environmental Sampling course organised by the Department of Chemical Engineering (DEQ), Centro de Química Estrutural (CQE), and the Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), with the support of the Municipality of Alcochete takes place from the 2nd to the 6th of September 2024.

This course aims to provide participants with experimental skills related to the sampling of natural waters, soils, sediments and some biological sampling.

The course will essentially include four days of experimental work and field trips and will cost €25 for Técnico students and €35 for students from other institutions. It will include all course materials, transport from Técnico to the sampling sites, a boat trip and a certificate.

Participants will be given a certificate of participation in which the number of training hours will be mentioned.

Registration is open until June 10th.

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